Big Boi X Yaya Martinez = The Crown Life

the good people at Crown Royal and Cornerstone media reached out to me to do a quick phoner interview Big Boi- who managed to make me go deaf, get a long awaited ‘thank you’ out of the way, and make me want a drank….

QUICK INTERVIEW:: Yaya Martinez X DJ C Minus

Since someone is heavily searching my site for you, I think they would like to know what in the world have you been up to lately?

Well, what I’ve been up to?: I’ve been working on a solo record based on the SP-1200 drum machine. Its taking a lot longer than expected. I want to pay a tribute sonically to a PE, Cypress, Beasties, King Tee LP as well as the Foos, QOTSA, Team Sleep, Stereolab but I’ve now decided it will be patterned after the Beach Boys ‘Smile’ LP: meaning you won’t get to hear any of this for 40-50 yrs. Think that’s the plan for me!

Do you have any touring/shows coming up lately that they could witness the mighty c-minus in action?

I do have some shows coming up, but I’m gonna keep them to myself. Because YOU’RE not the boss of me. And I’m still waiting for the confirmation of dates. But more than likely, it will be with my friends who SUPER scored on the Billboard Top Albums chart..

You’ve been known to work with a lot of different genre’s of music- if you only had one to stick to, which one would it be and why?

That’s a hard one to pick. It would be between hip hop or rock music. Both have the potential to grow immensely still. I can’t pick just one. Sorry.

Is there a site that people can go to, to get your mixes, or stay up on what you have going on? I mean they’ve been lookin for you–

Not yet. But very soon I will have a website you can go to get all the info, music, and my whereabouts. Very soon I tell you!! For now you can follow me on twitter @CMinusFan4 Believe you/me, I’m a great time  😉